
Welcome to the "Introduction to Alchemy" online course!!!
I am so very thrilled that you joined this GRAND ADVENTURE up up up in frequency with myself, my core angelic healing team and other beings of light that love us all dearly! As much as this is a very informative and information packed online course, this is more about the gifts and the healings that will take place during our two month container together! This container, as well as each of you that are apart of the container are receiving healings, downloads of light as well as crystalline designs and gifts daily!
This is a self led and self paced course and you are able to go as fast or as slow through each video as you would like! Each video, I begin with a healing attunement and each video is encoded with specific healing information aka alchemy specifically designed to support your recalibration to the next tier and higher frequency that you as an individual can hold. If a video calls to you, chances are it's the healing your higher self was really wanting to watch them as little or as many times as you are guided because every time is another healing!
God didn't make me fact...I'm just like everyone else...WORD...Divinity in form here in a body with the very same divine channels of communication that you and everyone on this planet and the entire cosmos has. Just a few years ago, I couldn't see energy or clairvoyantly...I couldn't hear my higher self and core angelic healing team or other beings of light...I couldn't feel a download of light but I continue to clear my channels and go up in frequency...surrender everything over to my higher self and things began turning on. That is available for everyone as you go up in frequency, gather more gifts of light and healing alchemy and take your body and divine channels of communication up in frequency!!!
Soooo... Be our our guest....speak into the field "please make this so much more than I could ever even imagine!" and we say to you...It will be so, it will be so, it will be so.
Love, Brandi Botts
We would be ever so grateful for your feedback/reviews and even any questions along your path! Whether you do this after each video via email to "" or each week...It would be so very lovely to hear from you as you journey through this course!
(reviews/feedback can be private without any use of your name as well)
Reminder, I am HERE for questions, support physically or if you need additional energetic support so please do not hesitate to email me as much or as little as possible.
I am truly so grateful and excited to have you on this journey of remembering just how beautiful, powerful and magical you really are...that we ALL really are!
With huge love and massive blessings,
Brandi Botts

A HUGE Congratulations on completing the "Introduction to Alchemy"
What an oh so magical journey it has been indeed!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for going on this adventure up up up with me and all of us!
Huge love and blessings from my grateful heart to yours!

If you would like more info or have any questions about the other healings I mentioned in the videos and/or the alchemy trilogy of courses I mentioned then please reach out via email at