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Regular price $25.00 USD
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$25 PER EVENT - per person. Events are every other monday evening! 



FUTURE EVENT: 2/17/25 - TBA 



* IF THE NAME OF THE INDIVIDUAL THAT IS RECEIVING THE HEALING IS DIFFERENT THAN THE NAME ON THE ORDER....Please send me an email stating the full name of the individual to receive the healing if you are adding a spouse/child or someone else if it is different from what is on your order form! is the email. 


Each healing myself and my core healing team are supporting each participant in:


  • Clearing Karma & agreements based on your individual frequency and the low frequencies associated with that agreement. That is how we actually go UP in frequency...We must clear karma and/or agreements in order to heal the things in your body/energetic bodies that are present along with it. Karma simply means "experience" - and because most individuals here on this planet at this time are OLDER souls, it means you've incurred a lot of "experiences" aka Karma. 
  • Upgrade/replace/repair light bodies, auric layers, chakras, old outdated blueprints, ( every organ and part of your body has an energetic component to it and a blueprint and it continuously needs healings and to be upgraded as you go up in frequency) operating systems and more. 
  • Alchemize fear, pain, athiest, unworthiness, unconsciousness, anger, guilt, shame frequencies. As well as curses, hexes, spells and higher level type spells, control panels/boxes, distorted mirrors & lenses.
  • We also are big on replacing clogged filters in the body and replacing them with a higher frequency filtration design to support your body in filtering out more low frequencies, toxins and adding more LIGHT into the body, blood stream, kidneys, digestive system, lymphatic system and brain just to name a few...but the whole body is equipped with a filters that always need cleaning and or replacing and upgrading so that we can filter in more LIGHT! 
  • We create crystalline constructs, designs, fractal designs if you can hold them and gift gift gift all four etheric ( energetic bodies)-- it's all about the GIFTS and giving you more light so that you go up in frequency and can then have the amount of light that you need to heal that next big layer of stuff that will be coming up to heal per your soul/higher self.
  • We are busy busy closing down as many openings and energy leaks in your body/energetic field that are letting in outside low frequencies and some are leaking out your resources and light = this is KEY! to keep low frequencies out and your light IN. 
  • Activating inactive power lines, crystals and keys to unlock more of your higher self's information giving you MORE access to your information and power based on your frequency. 

Everything is based on YOUR individual frequency and there is a reason why every design and gift is given just a bit higher than the frequency you currently lift you UP in frequency without overloading the body and your systems! Every design is also created with information to support you in being able to hold that amount of light within the body....aka grounding information so you wont have to be concerned about acclimating to the new level of light however you can always reach out if you feel you need more grounding support! 


Excited, grateful...and looking forward to all the magic and healing we all create ahead! 


ps. there is SO much more that goes on during these healings! this is just a little glimpse lol. 


Everyone's home, cell phones, computers and electronics receive healings as well because what's the point of getting a healing if you go back to a mucked up home that has everyone's fear, unworthiness etc in it. 


see you soon! 

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